Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Pierogies are the perfect in a pinch meal!

Last night I had an last minute change in plans.  I wasn't anticipating being home at dinner time and the boys all had practices, so it was an "on your own" evening.  Or so I planned.  My schedule got switched, and I was home - meaning they now wanted me to cook.  It was already 7:00, so I glanced around to find something quick and easy.  I had picked out a labor intensive meal for the following night that included making my own ravioli (really...what was I thinking?).  That of course would not do for this evening meal, so I though ravioli is filled with cheese - why not substitute pasta filled with potatoes!

Here's a picture of the final product.  Got a thumbs up from everyone! Mmmm...I love potatoes! :)

All I did was brown the pierogies (from frozen state) on the stove top with a Tbsp of Tastefully Simple's Roasted Garlic Infused Oil.  In another skillet I cooked about 6 slices of bacon and 1/2 onion (chopped).  Here's a tip on using bacon in meals like this...julienne it (cut in small strips) before you brown it.  Makes it cook much faster and evenly.  Once the pierogies were crisp and brown, I added some fresh spinach and sliced grape tomatoes and cooked just a couple minutes on low heat to get the spinach to wilt.  I topped off with the onion and bacon and dinner was served!

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