When a friend (and fellow Tastefully Simple consultant) shared a quinoa recipe with me yesterday, I decided today was the day to experiment! The verdict...I'm HOOKED! Not only did I enjoy the taste of this dish - I feel full yet not weighed down after dinner. Best of all, I know my family is stocked full of protein as they all go their separate ways to various activities tonight. And yes...EVERYONE ate it! Of course I got comments such as "What is this, fish eggs?" No, it's not caviar. "Are these lima beans?" It's soybeans. But in the end, they ate them and that makes me feel good as a Mom. :)
Given I had no idea how to prepare these foods, I'm going to assume some of you don't either.
#1 - What are these foods?
Quinoa - is like a grain, but is actually a seed. I would compare it to brown rice with a bit more texture.
Edimame - fancy name for soybean. You'll see it served at many Asian restaurants inside the pod. Many people dip the pod in soy sauce and then bite out the seeds from the pod.
#2 - Soak & rinse the quinoa.
My online research showed to soak for a couple hours and then rinse several times. I rinsed mine about 5-6 times. When you drain the water, you'll see a soapy type reside strain off the top. Takes several times of adding new water, then draining again before all the soapy reside is gone.
1 Tbsp Tastefully Simple Roasted Garlic Infused Oil
1 cup uncooked quinoa, rinsed
1/2 tsp Tastefully Simple Seasoned Salt
1/2 cup broth (chicken or vegetable)
1/2 cup frozen edimame, shelled
1/4 cup Tastefully Simple Sesame Teriyaki Sauce
In a heated skillet (use one that has a lid), add oil and quinoa. Toast on medium heat about 5-10 minutes. Add broth and Seasoned Salt along with frozen edimame. NOTE: My cupboard was bare, so I actually substituted water! I'm sure broth would've added more flavor, but the water actually worked just fine. Place lid on skillet and simmer for another 5-10 minutes until liquid is gone and edimame is softened. Add Sesame Teriyaki Sauce, mix well and serve.